I heard it hit the Ground --
And go to pieces on the Stones
At bottom of my Mind --
Yet blamed the Fate that flung it -- less
Than I denounced Myself,
For entertaining Plated Wares
Upon My Silver Shelf --
And go to pieces on the Stones
At bottom of my Mind --
Yet blamed the Fate that flung it -- less
Than I denounced Myself,
For entertaining Plated Wares
Upon My Silver Shelf --
The Pope knew he'd need to sneak around like a cheating lover in order to meet with KIM DAVIS. His spokesman said that Francis "thought it best not to detract" from his broader message and he didn't want to overwhelmed by questions about Kim Davis. See!! He knew he shouldn't do it, but he did it anyway, grabbing that clandestine moment to offer encouragement a most unChrist-like creature.
DETRACT? Dear Pope Francis, you have done way more that DETRACT from the message of Christ that you came to bring us, you know - that message that Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, and even atheist can follow to find an inner peace like no other. This peace comes from totally accepting, believing, WELCOMING the fact the you are responsible for each and every human being and for the earth we all live in.
But you have NEGATED that. We are divided again. Believers vs. atheist. Rainbow vs. Rainbow Haters. Christian vs. Jew. Protestant vs. Catholic. Muslim vs. Infidel. Baptist (immersion) from sensible people who sprinkle.
My God, can you imagine what life would be like, what the health of the planet would be like if more and more of us accepted this responsibility? We could be be for any religion or no religion, but we would work together to bring about that "Peace on Earth" that is at this point all talk and no action only at Christmas time.
But unlike Emily Dickinson, I sit here in the quiet and I DO denounce myself.
After all, the Pope is NOT Christ. He is a human being just like me, just like Kim Davis,
one who has made mistakes. I'm trying so hard.