If Trump turns Fethullah Gülen over to certain torture and either imprisonment or death in Turkey, everyone from everywhere who sought survival and safety in the US, a country they trusted and used to deserve that trust, should keep their suit cases packed to flee. I'd be seeking emergency asylum from Trudeau.
More blood is on the hands and beyond of a president who is truly without decency, an amoral sociopath. And because we are a democratic republic, every elected Republican in Congress and every Cabinet member who has failed to invoke the 25th amendment to lawfully remove this madman and strip him of any and all power shares the shame.
I assert that there is blood and more on every person who voted for him and is not resisting by voting to balance and disempower him in the midterm election and who is not overwhelming their reps with protest calls and letters. They are covered with blood like Sissy Spacek in "Carrie."
Whether one is willfully ignorant or helplessly stupid enough to still be on the wrong side of history and humanity no longer matters. We are SELF-GOVERNING so the responsibility falls upon us citizens. This is true of friends I had thought I knew and family I love but cannot respect because they are collabrators. May there be a God in Heaven to help us, but even if there is, WE must help and save ourselves.
Are we really no longer "America"?
Don't even get me started on the Commander-in-Chief's behavior toward our military from his absence to this shameful attack on Admiral McRaven.