"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons"
~ T.S. Eliot
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I bought some things at Rite Aid on Friday, and the cashier said, "Happy Mothers' Day, if you're a mother." I thanked him and thought to myself, "Of course I'm a mother. What other purpose would my life have?" The problem with this thinking is that I'm not a mother, and I don't know what purpose my life has had.


  1. I almost snarl at folks when they wish me "Happy Mothers' Day!" Since I lost my mom, I don't like this day at all. I won't go to church today because, even though my pastor honors all women, well-meaning folks run up to me, hug me and wish me happy Mother's day. So I'll hang out with my four-footed kids. I've never questioned my life purpose but I don't like to be reminded that I don't have two-legged kids or that my mom is gone.

  2. Oh Vick although we only renewed our friendship last year I will not hesitate to state that I feel certain your life has greatly impacted more individuals than you can possibly imagine. I often think of Mrs. Holzclaw an English professor I had at Western. I'm not sure why but I knew she truly cared and wanted me to do well in her class. It's sad when you truly believe a professor cares more about you than anyone in the world! Vick I can't help but believe you also truly cared about your students. I am so blessed to call you my friend. I pray that God will open doors for us so we can continue to be there for one another in even greater ways. I will end by saying that I bet some of your students have thought of you today and wished they had had a woman like you to have called mom.
