"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons"
~ T.S. Eliot
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

Friday, November 2, 2012

Support Obama. He supported you.

Every country in the world hopes that we re-elect President Obama over Mitt Romney except Pakistan. I can understand that.  But Obama has wiped away all the ridicule we suffered during the Bush years and restored America to her place of respect around the world. He is seen as an intelligent, even brilliant, serious, hard-working, honest leader, and I am proud of him, and I thank him for what he has done for us globally. And he never apologized for America.

Here at home he pulled us back from the brink of a second Great Depression caused by strains on our economy from Bush's policies. These policies were two wars that were unpaid for, a new Part D prescription plan for Medicare that was unpaid for, and massive tax cuts favoring the most well off among us, also unpaid for. The deficit soared. And the "small government" that Bush promised? Well, when Bush left office, the federal government had grown more than at any time since the days of FDR.  Don't forget we had a brand new Department of Homeland Security. Spending and cutting taxes and not paying for it almost led us to complete economic collapse. But Obama's handling of the economy averted that disaster and kept it to a recession instead. And yes, it's been a long, deep recession, but it hasn't been the GREAT DEPRESSION II. And I thank Obama for that.

Not to mention the fact that the Dow has doubled since Obama took office, reaching a 60% increase at the beginning of 2012. Foreclosures on homes are down and home prices have recently started ticking up again. Inflation is still low as are interest rates. Unemployment is under 8%, which is way too high for our citizens' well being, but when Obama took office, we were losing over 800,000 jobs a month, just losing them from the whole economy. Within three months, Obama had reversed this trend, and we have been adding jobs ever since. Today it was announced that 171,000 jobs were added in October 2012, marking at least 25 straight months of job increases. Fox news stories of executive misdeeds in Benghazi were struck down as lies today. Detroit was saved.

And Osama bin Laden is dead.

As for Gov. Romney of Massachusetts, the people of Massachusetts are wildly against his presidential bid. They know him. They have suffered him. They survived him, and they do not want to go through it again. Romney's biggest problem is his unbounded ambition. He wants to be president more than he wants anything for America or her people. He will say or do anything to win. Willard Mitt Romney has taken every possible position on every issue. Abortion or Pro Life? Take your pick. Leaving Iraq in 2014? It was bad but now it's okay. And just in the last few days there's FEMA, which he wanted to abolish and then Hurricane Sandy came along. Although Romney has hidden from all media questions for over three weeks, someone in his campaign released a statement that Romney wanted the states to take the lead and work with FEMA so apparently he no longer plans to abolish it. Or does he? Who can bank on his words? Or maybe it was just that this was a terrible horrible very bad week to be against the Federal role in disaster relief? Especially with Obama doing it so well.

No one likes a liar and a two-faced person, so why is this election close? Why do almost half of my fellow citizens tell pollsters they are for Romney for President? I am sorry, but I believe with all my heart that half of this county has not been able to stand having a Black president. They are out of their minds with hatred and rage, making fools of themselves. Fools to be feared, yes, but fools just the same. I cannot believe all the talk of watermelon and the like that I have heard. Think of the fringe talk of birtherism and the many Republicans who believe it and believe that Obama is Muslim. As much publicity as Rev. Wright received in 2008, how could they think Obama is Muslim? (Because they are "low information voters.") Things that 5 years ago, people would have been ashamed to say, they now say openly and defiantly. Our county is more openly racist now that at any time since the Civil Rights struggles.  People openly call for the elimination of the Voting Rights Act as unconstitutional. I have heard the N-word more in the last year than in the last 40 years combined. There is basically no reason to vote for the spineless, lying Mitt Romney over President Barack Hussein Obama other than race.

Do I think there are any nonracist Republicans? Yes, I do. But they have not yet grappled with a serious problem. The Republican party as we knew it no longer exists. It has been taken over by old style Dixiecrats, Tea Partiers, birthers, and other fringe elements. You get savaged if you just cooperate with Obama on disaster relief. Ask Chris Christie. The Moderates have been hounded out of the party. But for some reason, some decent people have stayed in the party even though the party left them to head for the fringes long ago. And these people will vote for Romney because they vote their party. This sounds neither smart nor noble, but there it is.

This election is a referendum on us, the people of the United States. What kind of people are we? Do we deserve the ridicule of the rest of the world or do we deserve their respect?

The only reason to vote Obama out of office is to follow the advice seen on a T-shirt at a Romney rally that told us to "Put the White back in the White House."

What will we do?

1 comment:

  1. Another wonderful entry. Thank you, Ms Vic...
