Nixon never, never, and never would have, let an unfriendly foreign power, let alone one run by a KGB agent, hack into or meddle in or influence any United States election. Yet he was guilty of impeachable offenses and resigned 2 years and 2 months AFTER the Watergate break-in took place and was reported all over the world.
Trump WILL BE taken down, hopefully to a traitor's noose, but St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the Criminally Insane in Washington, DC. It may take years. Sun Tzu said it around 500 BC. It's been said more than one way since Plutarch lamented the slowness of juststice. Today's expression adds hope: "The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine."
We will be shouting truth after truth for years. MLK's "fierce urgency of now" makes it difficult to be patient. Every day is full of danger. But we all know people who will laugh at our outrage, looking straight at evil but neither thinking or caring what it is they see. It could take several years, but we will be vindicated, the insane criminal will be found guilty of soooo many crimes, and the wheels of justice will succeed.
I can hardly wait.
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